Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Letter from Jeff!

Jeff sent his sister Rebecca a letter - this is what he wrote:

I love family history (I included a family history story when I wrote to him). [My] Companion's name is Elder Bowes. But I'm more friends than him [with] Elder Skyler, Elder Eccles, Elder Franco, Elder Dunoskovic, Elder Young, Elder Cox, Elder Smith, all District B15. The food's great. I'm going to know more about the gospel than you by the end, that's my goal. We have a General Authority coming to talk to us today. I need shaving cream. But my hands hurt after 1 letter and I've still more to write. Missionary work is hard.

Love you, Elder Gardner

P.S. Celestial Kingdom or Bust

She is going to send him the shaving cream that will probably last him the MTC - so we can add that to packages in a little while.
We ALL love you Jeff! Even though your first letter was to Rebecca :) haha


Rebecca said...

Well, we all know how the saying goes--She who receives first letter is loved most!


Or maybe it goes, She who lives closest gets first letter! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the letters. They are a lot of fun to read!
