Thursday, August 21, 2008

Letter to Mom

Jeff sent this letter to his Mom:

I love you, I don't think you'd recognize me without my name tag. I'm becoming a young spiritual moan. You're in my paryers which I say nightly. I also make my bed every other day. I already sent missionary out and placed 2 books of Mormon from the RC. Tell stacey that I get along with everyone, staying out of trouble. I'm getting pictures developed so I'lls end those home. Tell the ward I'm doing good . I have lesson plans and I'm already feeling like a missionary. Oh and don't sell my car while I'm gone. Love you lots. I sent letters to Becca and Stacey, you can read those. Went to the temple today. Thank you John for my licence. I needed it. [he says something about If I stay I've Healty found some potential eternal companions but I dont' know what he's really saying there... ideas??] It's weird not texting. I'm getting over it. James was wrong there was no scary interview. Oh and I hate waking up at 6:20 and shaving. I love you mom and family,
Elder Gardner,
Your Favorite Missionary,
PS, send my love to Pevey

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