Saturday, August 9, 2008

Letters from Jeff

Jeff sent letters to his mother today with notes for other people....

Mom I love you and the packing youdid. The spirit was and is great here. I met a relative I forgot her name though, Rebecca got me fine. I'm sending some stuff that I got. I have a companion named Elder Bowie and a roommate from Australia. They played How I Met Your Mother' on the plane, I fell asleep though.

I need the vacination info or I'm going to have to pay 159 dollars-that sucks - so yeah send that also my backpack. I felt the spirit so much when we sing it's amazing.

Stacey I love you; tell Gavin he's going on a missio. He would want to go - needs to go - and send the You're Awesome cards to me I need them already. Love you lots.

To the ward I'm doing great. If you want letters I need addresses so I can send stuff. Love you ALL.

I need all the email addresses of the family ok? I'm doing great I send my love.

Dan Dean: I'm using my journal daily.

(LETTER #2) - Same envelope :)

Hey Mom How's life. I'm good weird people but awesome at the same time. I need a laundry bag but I love you. Class is good I sent you a letter so yeah send me one and I'll send more info later.

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