Thursday, July 31, 2008

Arriving at the MTC

After being set apart on Tuesday night, Elder Jeff went and picked up his suits by 9PM and packed up all of his luggage for his 5AM trip to the airport the next morning. (Read had way too much fun over the last week.) His Mom drove him to the airport where his Sister picked him up from the Salt Lake City Airport and took him to the MTC. Here is Rebecca's account: and pictures of her and her family with Elder Jeff:

Hi there! We just got home from Provo, where we dropped Jeff off at the MTC. It was very crowded--there were 400 missionaries entering today! There were lots and lots of sweet volunteers to help everything go smoothly. First they had us pull up to the curb to drop off Jeff and his luggage. He took it one way and we met him at the door a few minutes later. Then he went in the door that said "New Missionaries" and we went in the "Family" door. He went up to a desk where he got his name tag, his address, and another paper. Then we took a couple pictures of Elder Gardner, then walked down the hall to one of the chapels for the meeting. We all sat in a row on chairs, along with all the other missionaries and families, and watched some LDS commercials for family while we waited for about 10 minutes. Then President Marsden, one of the counselors in the MTC presidency, welcomed us. We all sang "Called to Serve" which was really, really powerful. Then the MTC President's wife, Sister Boone, spoke and then President Boone. Sister Boone talked about the refining that will happen in the MTC as the missionaries let go of the world and some of their old habits, and acquire new ones. President Boone mentioned that Elder Bednar spoke about how much work goes into each missionary's call, how they are each assigned by an apostle, and signed by the Prophet. He promised that they would each realize later how their call was the right one to the right place. We then watched part of the movie "Called to Serve" and Jeff got a little emotional (don't tell him I said that though! ;)wink) and so did I. Each speaker promised that they would take good care of the missionaries, watch over and protect them. There are hundreds of instructors that will be teaching them 6 days a week and they will become close to. They have firesides each Sunday night, and General Authority devotionals each Tuesday (and they suggested being in their seats 20 minutes early!). They also have 55 branch presidents to watch over their spiritual needs, and hundreds (or maybe thousands?) of workers and volunteers to keep the MTC running. In fact, one of the screens while we were watching commercials said the MTC missionaries drink 400 gallons of milk a day, and require a full 300-cow dairy to keep them supplied!

So then we said goodbye--hugs for everyone, and then he was off. He was probably going to find his luggage and settle in his room, meet his companion, and have lunch. Then they have an orientation meeting at 3:45. So that's that! He was excited, a little nervous maybe, and happy to be there. He was having cell-phone withdrawals, though! ;)

Here's his address:
Elder Jeffrey Galen Gardner
MTC Mailbox #240
NV-LV 0819
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793

The estimated departure date for your missionary is 19 August. The back of the card reminds us not to call, deliver packages, send pizza or perishable items, or try to meet them at the temple. :)

Oh-and if you didn't know it, you can send free letters to the MTC at You can also send letters later for the cost of a stamp, I believe. But for now, that's a great way to send mail!

I'm so glad we got to go see Jeff off--oh, I mean Elder Gardner! :) He will be a wonderful missionary, and I know we will all benefit from his service and his testimony. Love to you all!

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