Monday, December 15, 2008

A Note From Someone ELSE who loves Jeff!

We got a sweet card from a family in the ward where Jeff is serving in LV, along with their family letter. The father is on the high council. The mother is the YW president. They have four girls, ages 12 through college. (HMMMM...girls???) Just kidding. I haven't heard from Jeff for weeks. Transfers are on the 22nd, so we're praying that all goes well, because he expects to transfer, and that's a bit tough.

"We love your son. He has been serving in our ward for months now. You have raised a great man. You should be really proud. W will take care of him while he is here!
The Dewsnup Family"

It is so cool to know how much Jeff is loved and supported by so many.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Very cool. Doesn't EVERYONE love Jeff???