Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Letter from Jeff! New Post! :)

Hey, Mom

Thank you for the package I needed more socks and the Brazilian candy was a good touch. So you can tell the ward you raised a good young man. I've had great success: 6 baptisms and 1 more coming on Wednesday and I'm loving my mission. Yeah, I'm playing Aruco which is a fun Brazilian bar game. [He has a Brazilian companion.] I'm learning a lot. I might go to Provo, Utah or Ricks when I get back. I want to get married, excited for it.

Stacey, I love you and I haven't heard from either you, Jessica, Steven for weeks.

Gavin, Love you.

Love you all, have a great week. Hi, ttyal.
Elder Gardner.

P.S. I check email really early [every Thursday AM].

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